Tuesday, July 28, 2009


For all intents and purposes the garden is complete for this year. I managed to put in the new path and while I have a couple rocks to replace(I broke a couple thin ones) and I have one large rock to add in the corner by the blueberry bush, it's pretty much just going to be allowed to grow now and try to survive my weed whacking forays.
The vegetable garden is growing well despite the downpour and flooding it suffered in the last few days. It's finally drained and things are flowering and sprouting happily. Next year I intend to build up the dirt more so I don't have the drainage issues again. I don't have much hope for the carrots since for some reason they didn't take very well. I am surprised to see the spinach growing although only about a quarter of the seeds took and of those only 4 are doing really well. I will have to get the spinach in earlier next year since it likes cool wet weather.
The bushes are quite small to start but over time they will grow in and fill up the spaces and it will look, as I hope and intend, like a nice full garden oasis. One day I want to be able to let the dogs in there to relax while I lounge(as long as Raimi does NOT lift his damn leg on any plant at all ever). I also hope to get in a couple fruit trees but I'm not sure where since any fruit tree's bounty will be quickly stolen by one Leeloo and make her sick. Planting fruit in the front yard is doable but you run the risk of neighbours(or teenage no-good-nicks) stealing your crop.

Given what the yard looked like two months ago I think it's come a long long way.

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